With Sam King
Hosted by the Deeptime Network
March 25 - May 6, 2025
Tuesdays at 7 pm EST
How can the wisdom of Deeptime offer guidance and resilience in these turbulent times?
Join two upcoming courses on the Deeptime Network – Journey of the Universe and The Worldview of Thomas Berry – to explore how the emergingstory of cosmic evolution can help guide us toward a more just and flourishing future. These courses are based on the Yale/Coursera courses, with the same names, developed by Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim with the assistance of Anna Thurston and Sam King.
Click here for more info and to register.
Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim traveled from June 7th to July 12th. They offered a series of Journey of the Universe film screenings and lively discussions to receptive audiences in Beijing in the north and in the southwest province of Yunnan. Here is an initial report on their China Summer 2024 Trip, which will be expanded in the coming months. They also gave talks on “Ecological Civilization.” This is a 30-year effort of the Chinese to move from an industrial society with unlimited economic growth that is destroying ecosystems to a regenerative civilization that sustains the well-being of people and the planet. Please visit the newest section of the Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology website, Ecological Civilization, featuring a new video by Mary Evelyn on “The Ecological Wisdom in Confucianism.”
Photo: Journey of the Universe film screening at the Wild China Museum in Dali
Join eco-spiritual artist/educator Imogene Drummond as she explores the exciting connection between creativity and. Cosmogenesis. Her presentation "Creating Cosmogenesis Through Art" is hosted online by EarthConnection. FREE! Thursday, April 11, at 1 pm ET and 7 pm ET. To register for the 1 pm ET presentation, click here. For the 7 pm ET presentation, click here.
Yale Beijing Center
Beijing, China
Mary Evelyn will moderate a discussion with Chinese scholar Xinzhong Yao and John Grim about how the cosmological and ecological perspective in Journey of the Universe is compatible with the Confucian cosmology uniting Heaven, Earth, and humanity.
Click here to read more about the event.
Watch the recording.
Mary Evelyn and John will be traveling in China September 6-25 to screen Journey of the Universe at ten Chinese universities. They will also be attending the Songshan Forum in Henan Province, which Confucian scholar Tu Weiming has been organizing for a dozen years. This year’s theme is “Dialogues Among Global Civilizations.”
This 9am screening is part of the Marist event “Integral Ecology & Spirituality” on June 26 - July 1, 2023.
Register by contacting ifrs1963.edu@gmail.com
6:00pm – 7:30pm
4 East River Road
Rumson, NJ 07760